Any woman has the ability to walk away from a situation that makes her uncomfortable. And a White woman in America not only has that ability, but has the help of saviors of all races to come to her aid. I do not condone any ill-will towards any human being. But this "joke" that White women were subjected to for a mere moment is what Black women have been subjected to our entire lives. And our female ancestors before us endured much more heinous, psychologically damaging abuse.
Just as much this was misogynistic and demeaning for White women to endure, this is what Black women have to deal with at the hands of men on a daily basis. I am waiting to see any White woman who claims she is supporting this movement to acknowledge that, instead of using this moment to call out her own grievances. What this person did for an "experiment" was reprehensible, but no one can debate that White women still remain the most protected and revered woman in this society. There are "bad apples" in every ethnic group. It would have been nice to see you draw a correlation of this "experiment" to the treatment of Black women in this country every day in an effort to form solidarity between all women. We have fought alongside White women for women's rights but we have yet to receive that support in return.