As a Black person, I will never in life need anyone to explain racism to me. I LIVE IT, EVERY SINGLE DAY. I would suggest that you take your own advice and realize that as someone who is not Black, it is YOU who needs to take the time to educate yourself. Since you are not on the receiving end racism, you cannot intelligently speak of its effects or consequences.
You can not have this discussion with me just as I can not tell you what it is like to be white. And I can imagine if I tried, you would have quite the problem with that as well.
Understand this, and this is my last time-wasting energy on this fruitless conversation. White people are the ONLY people speaking of racism in an abstract "let’s have a debate about the definition" kind of way. White people have that luxury because it doesn’t directly affect them nor are their children being shot in the street.
Black people don’t have that option. We are fighting for our lives, literally. So no, I will not engage you as it is my right as a HUMAN BEING and you do not have autonomy over me or my thoughts. You don’t have the option to tone-police me, so please refrain from engagement, or else you will simply be blocked. When Black people choose not to engage in situations such as this, it’s because the tone and rhetoric do nothing to help our community. Arguments like yours only exist to maintain white fragility. You are the one who benefits from racism and from discussing it as an abstract entity and not a condition that KILLS my people. This does not require a response.