Black people have always been angry about racism. It is directed towards us. It kills our family members in the streets. White people are noticing more anger because Black people aren't being silent about how racism affects our lives and the lives of our children every single day.
It will never get better until everyone can embrace being uncomfortable about it and simply address it head on. Black people don't want people to get back to normal because normal was and is killing us. We want our children to exist in this world without worrying about the skin they were born in. They deserve safety and happiness just like every other person in the world.
Racism is institutionalized so I understand what you were referencing about individualism. But when those individuals are backed up in the justice, political, and economical systems, it stands to reason that one person's racism equates to the damaging effects of this mentality. If someone is a member of a dominant group that historically oppresses those who don't look like them, that individual has the power to wreak havoc on anyone they encounter. Why? Because that dominant society will come to the aid of the oppressor before giving one thought of empathy to the oppressed.
I appreciate you reading and for taking the time to give such a thoughtful response. Our conversations have to start somewhere and I appreciate you for engaging.