Hello Dr. Custer. First, may I say how much I value and appreciate your thoughtful, heartfelt, informative, and insightful responses. Your words will never be discounted by me.
I thank you for proving that all humanity is not lost. Those with your spirit give me HOPE. The speech you spoke of about foxes and wolves was fascinating and I agree 100%. The sad irony that those words were spoken years before I was born and that now I feel compelled to address it for my own children and future generations is not lost on me.
It has been an uphill journey just attempting to hold a captive audience of more than just a few but tenacity is my middle name. 😉. I believe and understand that those who bear and teach the children have the power to change the world. As a mother I saw first hand how my children held on to my every word and to this day come to me for advice. Every mother has a captive audience in their children which gives them the power to shape minds that are conditioned to love, feel empathy, promote inclusion, and equality.
If I can spark enough minds to do this work, I’ve done my part. Thank you so much as always for reading.