Hi Dr. Custer and WOW! Yet another response that reads like a first-class article. I am always happy to see you in the comments because you bring such a rich and thought-provoking perspective to each conversation. I hope as people browse comments they take the time to read yours.
One statement you made stood out to me: “No white person is wringing their hands about children being taught white superiority and black inferiority”. I am actually working on an article now from this perspective and you gave confirmation that this is a valid talking point.
Conservatives confuse CRT (which is a graduate level law course as we both know) with basic historical education for children that includes Black Americans as more than enslaved humans. Growing up, I constantly questioned why there were there no studies that included impactful Black Americans, other than of course Martin Luther King, Jr. and Rosa Parks. Harriet Tubman was even villainized, and they made Malcolm X to be the ominous figure that was to be feared and not revered.
People like Mandel and DeSantis are unfortunately a representation of a large population in this country. DeSantis’ growing popularity is telling that he may be the presidential nominee and if he were to take office, I shudder to think of what would happen to education for children all over the country. I hope if we all take the “each one teach one” mentality we can make sure that all history, in its totality, is taught, one way or another.