I speak from my own experience. It is not my job to speak for the suffering of others when I am an advocate for Black people. This does not mean I am not compassionate to the struggle of others -it simply means that this is my purpose while others have theirs as well.
White people have been the only race in this country with the power to affect my bottom line.
Whites have been in positions of power from my entrance into the workforce to present day so it doesn't make sense for me to address anyone who isn't affecting me directly.
I am a speaker and constantly invite White people to my events. Guess what? They show up and speak. White people are not victims. Most clearly understand their responsibility and those who do don't waste time debating and instead, roll up their sleeves and get to work.
They don't acknowledge racism in one breath and make excuses for it in the next because they know that cancels out their acknowledgement and renders it invalid.
I am not making this a universal fight. My focus is on Black liberation in the U.S. Period.