I was over here minding my own business, just looking up a few of my favorite writers before getting my workday started, and now I find myself wanting to stand on my office chair and clap for this article! (Thankfully I work from home...lol).
This was FANTASTIC and I could not agree more. I'm like you - not an avid watcher of sports, although when I do, I prefer the NBA. I just saw a story on CNN about this and Metta World Peace was on speaking about it. THANK YOU for repeatedly using the word HUMAN BEING because I think that is the ROOT of the problem.
These people did not buy tickets to a ZOO, they came to these men's place of WORK and like you said quoting Durant, their mothers most DEFINITELY should have raised them better. It's disgusting and we share yet another something in common. I love and admire Michelle Obama with my entire heart, but if something like this happened to me, I'd have to say, "When they go low, I go to hell!" EXCELLENT article as always!