If this were true, and as a Black person I wish this were true more than you, how do you explain the conditions in this country? If White people were truly just as oppressed and discriminated against in this country, how do you explain the number of White people in positions of authority and power in this country? How do you explain the widespread representation of White people in every realm and the limited, biased representation of Black people and other people of color.
If the world was as you say it is, we would all be in a much better place. I wouldn't have to worry about my son or daughter being pulled over and beaten or killed by a racist cop. I would have to worry about them having lucrative careers with their college degrees instead of the discrimination they face just because of their beautiful brown skin.
I'm sorry that your mother was denied pain medicine. NO HUMAN BEING should be denied help when they need it but the fact is, this is a regular occurrence with the Black community. A simple Google search will reveal a plethora of information regarding this insidious practice.
Black people are incapable of being racists because we are not the majority population nor do we have positions of power with the control to regulate White people. Black people can be biased or prejudiced, but not racist. I'll repeat this for the rest of my life because I'm not sure why this is so difficult for White people to understand.
There are CLEAR advantages to being White in America. There is CLEAR privilege to being White in America. There is CLEAR systemic racism in the country perpetrated by White supremacy. Black people have never enslaved and oppressed White people in this country. NEVER. Again, this destructive situation was caused by White people and it's time they owned up to this mess and fixed it instead of pawning it off on the very people that they have abused and oppressed for centuries.