I'm a strong believer in higher powers and this incredible, thoughtful, and heartfelt article proved there are forces at work in my life. I recently began to think re-think if my presence here was making the positive impact I'd hoped for, even on a small level, and wondered if I would be better off finding another platform to express myself.
But this article, your kind words that never minimized your strong stance or conviction of your beliefs, and your always clever and intelligent way of expressing yourself, gave me a renewed sense of optimism. These words came at a time that I needed to hear them and please allow me to say your sentiment in this article is 100% reciprocated by me.
We have definitely had our disagreements and may never see eye to eye on how to deal with racism, but I will ALWAYS have respect for you and your position. You are thoughtful and eloquent in your writing and each article, no matter how much I'm chomping at the bit to disagree, always makes me THINK and opens my eyes to a new perspective. To me, that's such a great gift because without evolution we are doomed live in eternal "pause" mode, which isn't good for anyone.
Thank you from my heart for this article (that made my heart pound when I saw the title!!) and for being unapologetically YOU, which in my opinion is a great human being/ Penguin, indeed.