I’m not sure if you live in the US or not, but I can guarantee privilege here is directly related to race. And why is that? Because European colonizers designed it that way and because it continues to benefit White people, there is no rush to object and eradicate it.
This has become a very tiresome debate that unfortunately leads to a brick wall. No amount of denying the existence of privilege changes anything. If White people in America can find a way to resolve their cognitive dissonance, that is probably the only way we can make some progress.
But constant denial without self-reflection will never equate to progress. There are too many real-life examples of White privilege in America for anyone to avoid this reality. And since most White folks don’t believe anything until they see data or statistics as opposed to what you said which is acknowledging a person’s actual lived experience, they can easily Google studies on privilege done by White people who do acknowledge it.
As a Black person, it’s extremely disheartening to have my life disregarded time and time again, to be told my fears for my children are unfounded, and basically that their lives and those of people who look like me don’t matter. It’s exhausting and the more White people I speak to about this, the more resistance and denial take center stage.
It should be easy for a group of people who face challenges in life only because of their direct actions and not simply because of the skin they were born in to have more capacity to view different scenarios. They don’t have the added burden of fearing for their lives so they should be able to use their intellectual capacity at greater levels.
It’s always easier to function when you have less to worry about. But from what I hear from White people, White men in particular who are the most dominant in society is that they are now the victim and lack privilege which is comical. But we understand that this is a classic deflection because the agenda is to stop Black people from talking and challenging the status quo they benefit from.
It’s a vicious cycle that my people have to deal with and the sad part is that this cycle was created by those who continue to perpetuate it (White people) but we (Black people) have to shoulder the responsibility of explaining it. If I manufacture something, I should be the expert and the go-to authority figure on the subject, right? But White folk have once again placed their burdens on the shoulders of Black people. Go figure.
Thanks for your comment.