Interesting article. I appreciate you taking my challenge to heart and just wanted to speak for myself to clear up some of your comments.
Black people do not see white people as the inherent enemy. The way white people have treated Black people in this country is the direct cause for the way we may feel about those who perpetuate racism. It isn't some arbitrary anger that was not warranted or created without cause.
The reason that you and I sparred is because of your insistence to suggest that Black people were playing victim and that the things we are subjected to in this society have less to do with systemic racism and more because Black people were lying down and blaming others. This could not be further from the truth and I submit that any white person who is seriously challenging their own thoughts about Black people should begin with understanding the sheer apathy of this thought process.
Promoting anti-racism is not about inflicting whataboutisms, redirecting blame, or suggesting that what you perceive as Black racism could ever have even a fraction of destruction to white people as white supremacy has done to Black people for centuries. To me, the reverse racism statement in and of itself is an example of white deflection and is extremely problematic. I'd be curious to know your definition of Black racism and how you feel it has affected white people's ability to thrive in this country.
You and I will definitely just have to agree to disagree and I believe both of our points are valid. You are most certainly entitled to your opinion based on your upbringing and experience as am I. What's important is that two opposing views attempted a dialogue and that's really all anyone can ask as first steps to combating racism.