No need to apologize. Everything starts with a conversation and I appreciate you taking the time to express how you felt.
I can see where non-Black people can take the stance that you have taken - to say there's no point asking for empathy - and that's where I think there's some confusion as to what I was expressing.
Black people know better than anyone in this country that the hatred in the hearts of white supremacists may never dissolve. The purpose of anti-racism work is not to reach every single person - it's to reach that person who was already on the fence, that knows in their hearts what they see around them or what they may be doing themselves is wrong, and is ready to do something different. It's not a foreign concept-it's happened throughout history. And until Black people are in positions of power in every aspect of society, the fact is that we will have to engage with white people to bring change. This has already happened and me writing this to you is proof of what progress creates.
Do I believe we have a long way to go and in my lifetime I will see real change? Probably not. But as a mother who one day may be a grandmother, what kind of woman would I be to not do my part to try and create something better and safer for my family?
No one will ever be able to please everyone all the time, but if we all take the stance of throwing up our hands and giving up just because the battle is uphill, we will only succeed in guaranteeing that we stay exactly where we are right now. And for me, that's not an option.
Thank you so much for engaging. I appreciate your time.