So...since you refuse to understand the meaning of my article and insist on speaking of other white women and telling me that I'm trying to show a trend (which I was not because there is already evidence to show one exists for those who care to research), it might be best for you to write your own article to discuss this in your own way.
You used examples of people that most don't know or remember and because it was so long ago, it's doubtful anyone remembers much about these cases. These women have gone on to have normal lives that aren't tainted by public backlash that continues today.
We can't have the argument that White and Black women are on the same playing field because if you think that, I have some sand to sell you for your next trip to the beach. We don't even have the space to get into that here, but I've written 40 or so articles on racism if you care to read them.
You seem bent on denying any issues faced by Black women as a group so there's not much resolution we can have here and the back and forth has grown tiresome. We will never agree with one another here, but thanks for taking the time to read my article.