Thank you for your comment. While I most certainly don't share your views (hence this article) I appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts.
Let's start with the last line of your comment "The vast majority of the time, race hs no bearing on anyone's life here in the U.S." Really? Do you really, honestly and truly believe that, even though you began your comment with "racism is real, it has never gone away?"
Here's a word: those of us who are affected by racism would beg to differ that race has no bearing on our lives. BECAUSE of racism and BECAUSE of white supremacy (perpetrated by White people, not us) race has a hand in every single thing we do in this world, from the mundane (shopping at a store) to what should be an uneventful occurrence (traffic stop) to getting a job, buying a home, being accepted into a school...I could go on.
Its curious that you would make that statement while acknowledging racism does exist. And that, is about the BEST example of white privilege.