Thanks so much for reading. I wish I could say I was surprised by the comments you received, even as a white person, but history has shown us that those who stand against racism receive ill treatment as well.
I agree with your highlight wholeheartedly, however as a Black woman my approach would need to be a bit different than yours. I believe you DO have a space to say statements such as these and I would encourage you to do so if you feel moved. Although white people don’t hearing this at all, you would have a better opportunity to reach people than I do. The animosity against me is greater than it is against you. The anger you received was for a statement; the anger against me is due to the color of my skin that I don’t have the ability (or desire) to change.
I appreciate your words and welcome you to join us in the quest to reach as many people as possible to chip away at this barbaric and hateful behavior.