The problem with that is this. If this were truly something that was only perpetuated by dead White people, why are Black people in this society still the victims of racism? It may not be your family who directly contributed to this condition as they did not own slaves, but you still benefit from this system simply based on your skin tone. That is why this continues to be a conversation even though people alive today don't own slaves. If the residual effects of slavery didn't exist, we'd all be free and equal, right?
Black people will always be concerned about our condition and lack of equity and freedom. It's not enough for us to say, "oh, to hell with it. It happened so long ago, let's just forget about it and accept subservience and less than human status in this society our ancestors helped to build." I cannot speak for all Black people, but I am not angry at White people - I am angry at the APATHY some have towards racism and their inability to see that even though they didn't own slaves they DO benefit from this current system of white supremacy.
I appreciate your comments and for you taking the time to provide your perspective. Conversation is the beginning of positive change and we all have to start somewhere. Thanks for taking the time to share.