The whataboutisms are beginning to make me physically ill. We are talking about racism in America. The only reason I wrote the article was because of the abundance of push-back from White people claiming oppression by Black people in America. It has nothing to do with ownership of a word. White people want to fight about a word when my people are dying in the street.
Some White people have such a difficult time just looking in the mirror and always have to point the fingers. Racism will never cease to exist if White people refuse to look this ugliness in the face and do something about it. There is no denying racism exists in America - it is the very fabric that binds this country together and keeps the dominant members of society (well, dominant for the moment since the 2020 Census was quite revealing) in control.
Your tone was condescending; that is how I read it and if I was mistaken, I'm not above saying so. I look forward to you writing your own articles so that I can read your thoughts.