There is no battle for me and one thing should be clear to any intelligent adult in this country: being called something that offends you and having your entire life be controlled by something that directly effects your ability to earn a livable wage, buy homes in certain areas, attend certain schools, survive interactions with police, or be feared without cause are two entirely different things.
If white people weren't fighting to be perceived as oppressed, whataboutisms wouldn't exist. If white people were ready to take a hard look at the ways their lives have been privileged in that they don't have to think about racism and their lives aren't affected by it until a Black person brings it up, there would be no whataboutism. If white people would just one and for all ACKNOWLEDGE racism WITHOUT making it about them and hurt feelings, we wouldn't be having this exchange.
If you are born not having to worry about if you will be killed simply because of the color of your skin, why SHOULD I have empathy for you? What is happening to you that is directly affecting your ability to live? If any white person can tell me how the treatment of Black people has stopped them from doing ANYTHING they wanted to do on a systemic scale (not having your feelings hurt on a case by case basis) then we have a discussion. But because Black people are not oppressing white people and stopping them from creating the generational wealth they feel entitled to, we all know this isn't the case.
Who has silenced white people? Do you know ANY white person who has sat down and never said another word because they thought a Black person told them to? Are you kidding me? If a white person feels like they have been silenced, they will begin to shout from EVERY mountain top because of the audacity of some Black person to try to silence their important voice. Please. If it were that easy, white people would be taking that time to look within themselves and figure out how they can end what their ancestors started and what they now benefit from instead of debating with Black people whether or not racism exists. We are good on that. We know it's real. Now how about addressing your part and just DOING BETTER.