This is another great and informative article and I send my hello right back to you!
It’s definitely a challenge writing about topics people don’t really want to discuss, but if we don’t, our voices are silenced so it’s a necessary evil…lol.
I am also a speaker so I have the pleasure of being challenged in person, too! I actually prefer that because people are less likely to go for the jugular when face to face…lol.
Being Black in the US has thickened my skin, to say the least. Not much I haven’t heard in the street so while it’s not always pleasant to receive hate mail, I’ve been conditioned to not to internalize it.
It would be nice if I could write about topics that were controversial but didn’t have anything to do with racism, but bringing awareness and telling my stories is my way of contributing to the cause. Hopefully if I do this now, my great-great grandchildren won’t have to (had to skip a few generations for good measure 😉)
Always a pleasure to read the work of such a gifted writer whether we are on the same page or not. This is just respect from one writer to another.