Wokeness originated in the Black community and has become the poster child for cultural appropriation and deflection for White people to take responsibility for their part in the continuation of racism in this country. The actual concept of “woke” refers to Black people being fully “awake” and cognizant of the racial atrocities perpetrated against us while the dominant society falsely contends that racism is a thing of the past. It is a term WE created as a call to action for Black people to stay alert and vigilant in our fight for equity and justice. But White people have taken the term, twisted it to suit their own needs, and are now using it against us. I know your article was referring to sexism but it’s just another example of how this term is being thrown around inappropriately. White people unfortunately have a long history of taking and distorting anything they view as something that doesn’t show them in a positive light, and the overuse of this term, that was never meant for them in the first place, is a prime example.