You are misguided at best.
The Black experience is not limited to slavery. Go back and read what you wrote. Everything you learned about Black people in school is about our oppression. Can you honestly say you don’t see a problem with that?
When you teach children that the history of Black people consists only of enslavement and servitude, how do you think these children will grow up to regard Black people as a whole? And doesn’t seeing us as less than human make it so much easier to perpetuate racism? After all, based on what you learned, it appears the only notable historical education worth teaching about Black people according to the school system you grew in, is the fact that colonizers kidnapped, raped, beat, enslaved and denied humanity to my ancestors and the next century was spent fighting for our rights to be regarded as human beings like you.
White people need to stop being so afraid of someone attempting to “erase” them. You are the dominant population with all the power. No one is trying to take anything away from you — we just want the WHOLE truth told, not cherry-picked to make European slave owners appear as benevolent benefactors who did my ancestors a favor by stripping them from their land, language, culture, and families.